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DINOSAUR AGES CORRECTED BY CARBON DATING THEIR BONES Most paleontologists, and other scientists refuse to carbon date dinosaur bones. They will not allow others to date bones in their possession!
Now with the well established fact that collegen, blood cells and soft tissue soft tissue has been found inside dinosaur bones,
it makes even more sense that
dinosaur bones are not millions of years old and should be carbon dated to see how old they really are. DINOSAUR SOFT TISSUE AND OTHER ORGANIC MATERIAL FOUNDDINOSAUR ORGANIC MATERIAL: Not only has dinosaur blood blood vessels, and collagen been found and confirmed by the whole scientific community, now fragments of collagen and iron rich proteins have been found within the walls of blood vessels. Scientists descrribe it as a "startling find" especially since the dinosaur bone it was found in was reported to be 195 million years old. Dinosaur organic matter found Imagine the impossibility of a dinosaur bone not turning to stone, not decaying and crumbling to dust and the contents inside the bone surviving. What is involved would be 195 million years of summer, winter, rain, snow, droughts, floods, earthquakes, crustal movement, perhaps a million or more of these events and yet this bone with its organic matter is still there. A few years ago scientists worldwide agreed that no organic material could ever survive beyond thousands of years. There are two possibilities here to explain what is happening. One explanation is that somehow organic matter truly survives millions of years and we did not know it. The other more reasonable explanation is that these bones are not 195 million years old and that the method used to determine that 195 million year age is flawed. Our research at the paleo group shows that the age determing method is in error. We have carbon dated dinosaur bones from all over the world and they all have easily measurable amounts of Carbon 14 in them. This proves that the bones are only thousands and not millions of years old. If one does exhaustive research on dating methods one finds that carbon dating is more reliable more studied more widely used than any other dating method. It can also be cross checked by using historical data such as tree ring counting. Dating methods that give ages in millions of years are more in doubt if one carefully studys the methods and assumptions. See also Carbon 14 Dating Further evidence that dinosaurs were around thousands of years ago exist in the following ways: depictions on canyon walls, and ancient building, mosaics in Italy and israel, dinosaur figurines discovered in graves sites, accurate depictions of dinosaurs on burial stones in south America, etc. See also Ancient Dinosaur Depictions! Our research has been largely ignored and mainstream science has even refused to test our results by trying their own carbon dating of dinosaur bones. This is not the scientific way, ignoring new information because it does not fit your present ideas!! They have even refused to publish our findings in America. Our team published a paper in 2009 Scientific article on dating dinosaur bones in Germany and in the National Research Council of Italy in 2009. ![]() LATEST NEWS ON ASTEROIDSASTEROIDS: Scientists have discovered a very large asteroid impact site in Antarctica. As little as 200 years ago mainstream English speaking scientist did not believe that stones fell from the sky contrary to all the anecdotal evidence over the past centuries. Asteroids are usually referred to as being a solid rock from outer space whereas comets are usually a mixture of ice and rock and typically burn up before hitting the earth. In 1907 a large something from outer space destroyed thousands of acres of forest in Tunguska. Scientist for the last hundred years have been searching for a crator or remnants of space rock. Finally in 2008 scientist think they have found an impact site at the bottom of a nearby lake Cheko. click here to see the profile of the bottom of the lake! Whats at the bottom might be shattered rocks or impact melt or maybe a piece of meteorite. National Geographic reports that scientist Dallas Abbott from Columbia University has been gathering data and announcing for the past ten years that a giant tsunami deposited ocean floor sediment on Madigascar. The sediments cover an area 2 times the size of Manhattan and are over 600 feet tall. Somewhere in the Indian ocean is thought to be where the giant asteroid struck that produced this giant wave. More shocking is the fact that the microfossils in this sediment were dated to less than 7,000 years ago. The really disturbing conclusion is that civilization destroying bolides such as these have happened not millions of years ago but thousands of years ago. click here to see deposit site. We agree with Dallas Abbott that dangerous meteors have struck the earth in recent times and that the governments of the world should be aware of this fact. "We encourage people to review her information at The sky is falling. In northern Arizona is a large Meteor Crater, the Barringer Crater, Its well preserved shape suggests a very recent origin. During the last 100 years numerous attempts have been made to determine when this event happened. The age of this event has varied from 800 years ago to 200,000 years ago. It all depends on what age determination method is used and what assumptions are made using the method. The Hopi Indians who live in that area have legends about the meteor's impact. Since they would have been living in the area at the time to have observed and passed on a tradition of the event for posterity, that would limit the impact to less than 10,000 years ago. For an exhaustive treatment of the subject see Meteor Crater An Asteroid that hits earth can cause earth shattering catastrophic damage. The Chicxulub asteroid that hit in the Yucatan of Mexico was the equivalent of 100 trillion tons of TNT. Thats a billion times more powerful than the A bombs dropped on Japan in World War II. It is thought by some to have been the cause of the death of the dinosaurs. our research shows that all dinosaur bones tested have Carbon 14 in them which indicated that they are only thousands not millions of years old. Since that is the case if in fact these dinosaurs died as a result of the asteroid hit at Chicxulub then the asteroid hit also only thousands of years ago! Numerous unpetrified dinosuar bones found in Mesozoic strata have been dated and average 31,000 radio carbon years old. The Mesozoic strata was laid down at the same time as the dinosaur bones and are the same age. This strata contains hundreds of asteroids which have been identified thus far. Now that we know the strata they struck is tens of thousands of years old and not millions of years old, we can see that asteroids arrive at a rate around 2000 times higher than previously projected. "The number of discovered Near-Earth Asteroids now tops 15,000, with and average of 30 new discoveries added each week" according to NASA's webpage NASA web page As recently as February 15, 2013 a meteorite hit in Chelyabinsk Russia. Its arrival was caught on video. The impact was calculated as the equivalent of a blast of 300,000 tons of TNT. It shattered windows and damaged over 3,000 buildings and injured 1500 people. It could have been a lot worse of course. It points out the imminent danger of another large meteorite or asteroid from outer space wiping out possibly whole civilizations. An Asteroid labled 2012-tc-4 will supposedly miss the earth by 4000 miles on October 12,13 of 2017 . That is terribly close. If that asteroid hit earth the damage would depend on several factors: speed of entry, does it hit on land or sea, angle of penetration at impact, size and weight of material, type of material in the rock, and whether the material is solid or loosely held together. Consider an asteroid YU55 which came near the earth in 2011. If it had struck in the ocean a sunami 60 feet high might have been generated. Imagine if that hit near New York City or San Francisco or Cleveland. It is estimated that first degree burns from the fireball would have afflicted people within 60 miles. Could these asteroids have caused the earth to crack and continents to move? What caused the continents to separate and created many of the mountain ranges of the world. Slowly drifting continents have been the usual explanation for the past 50 years and is generally referred to as Plate Tectonics Theory. That idea was proposed in 1915 but was not accepted by the scientific community until 50 years later. Now another theory has been proposed to better explain the events. It is called Shock Dynamics and can explain all those events better. It says that an exceptionally large asteroid split the single continent and moved its pieces to where we see them today. See reference 3 below for a thorough explanation. The few centimeters of motion in the plates measured now is due to a difference in how fast the outer lithosphere rotates versus the inner mantle, a mechanism proposed for Plate Tectonis by mainstream geologists years ago. click here to see footnotes OLDEST HUMAN FOOTPRINTSFOOTPRINTS: New information found in Laetoli Tanzania. Like the footprints found in 1976, they are in the same layer of volcanic ash near the surface that would likely have hardened a few hours after it fell. But the one who made these footprints, labled S-1, was larger than individuals who made the 1976 footprints. Possibly a male he is estimated to have stood 5 foot 5 inches high comparable to many modern humans. the gait is human like. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck maybe it is a duck..... in this case a human. Yet the footprints are supposedly 3 million years old. Read more. New Laotoli Foot prints Research studies unavailable until 2008 demonstrate conclusively that the fossil human footprints such as the Delk and Burdick ichnites have been validated by the use of cat-scans. The same type of equipment employed to diagnose human illnesses is used. Cat-scans of such fossil rock impressions from the Cretaceous rock strata, allegedly 108 million years old are used to differentiate more dense material like bones from soft tissue or more dense solidified mud. Cat-scans can also show cross sections of a foot impression and reveal the difference in density at different points along the footprint impression. Charges have been made that footprints have been carved by those wanting to prove their particular point of view. A cat scan can reveal the different densities along a footprint impression. When a human puts weight on their feet there is different pressure applied in different parts of the foot area. For example the initial pressure and usually the highest pressure is when the heel first strikes the ground. The mid part of the foot has less pressure. When the ball of the foot strikes the ground and then pushes forward that part of the foot also has more pressure than the mid part of the foot. Thus one can now examine a footprint and see if the density of the hardened material changes along the footprint area. Then if the density change match that which would result from a human gait, then you know that this is a real foot print and not something carved into an existing stone. That is exactly what can be done and has been done recently with cat scans of the footprints. This is a very new scientific method that can now be used that was not available in the past. Cat-scan technology has also been used in the last few years to study dinosaur bones incased in rock etc as well, so this new technology can be used to solve past controversies. Sedimentology lab and flume studies as also published in book, Evolution: The demise of an hypothesis by the National Research Council of Italy has shown that sediments can be deposited and harden very quickly. If this were not the case then rain, wind, floods, baking sun etc. would soon destroy any footprints. This is solid evidence that the hardened footprints were made during the same short time interval. This page only discusses footprints our group has been involved with at the Paluxy river. There are many other places in the world where human and dinosaur footprints have occured. For a thorough discussion of footprints you can go to footprint analysis,or this website,or more on footprints. There have been 100 or so human footprints and 300 or so fossil dinosaur footprints exposed by dozens of excavations on the McFall ledges along the Paluxy River. These human footprints were in very close proximity to dinosaur footprints. CHALLENGE TO SCIENTISTSToday, most scientists are working within a false paradigm of earth's history which holds that all living things have evolved through the same kinds of material processes going on today over hundreds of millions of years. In support of this paradigm is the alleged evidence that dinosaurs became extinct sixty-five million years before humans allegedly evolved from a common ancestor with chimpanzees. Recent confirmation of soft tissue and blood cells inside dinosaur bones has seriously contradicted the claims that all dinosaur bones are millions of years old. We challenge the museums of the world to carbon date their dinosaur bones and prove us wrong. We will even provide the funds. So far no one has taken the challenge. Richard Dawkins has stated that, if authenticated, human bones in the Carboniferous coal deposits . . . would blow the theory of evolution out of the water" (Free Inquiry, V.21, No.4, 10/11/2001). This in fact has been found , but almost no one know this. See man as old as coal RADIO BROADCASTS  talk; radio  talk; radio  talk; radio  blog; site. |